I'm just a typical.. Ok, not that typical.. Teenager living in a small-town Ohio town called Dalton (the DAL part is pronounced the same as in Dallas. Don't say it wrong.). Let me guess.. None of you have EVER heard of it? Yep. That's how it usually goes.


Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, all is well :)

I broke up with Connor last week. We're friends. Andrew and I are not "official", although according to my friend we are "obviously dating". He's in Colorado at the moment, and I am anxiously awaiting his return! My best friend returned from her trip to Jersey this afternoon. Christmas went well, New Year's is just around the corner. My Gold Award is going VERY well! And hopefully, 2012 will bring on many great things. :)


Don't look down!

Everybody has a mental cliff. Well, technically it's a mountain, but there's a plateau at the bottom and then it drops off into a cliff. Some people live in the clouds, at the top of that mountain. Others are always at the bottom of the cliff. And then there are others still who rise and fall with each curveball life throws at them.
I am currently hanging by my fingertips on the edge of that cliff. I'm barely hanging on, and the only reason I am is because of a guy named Andrew. I like Andrew, and Andrew likes me. All good, right? Nooo. Im in a super-confusing year and 3 ish month long relationship, and he's my technical older sister and best friend's ex. I haven't told my boyfriend yet, although I'm sure after tonight he's guessed. my technical older sister is still in love with Andrew, and while she seems to be okay with it all, I highly doubt she is.
Today I spent 3 hours with Andrew, decorating for Kat(technical older sister)'s birthday party tomorrow. Then we went to pep band, where both Kat and Connor were. Granted, I did not pay as much attention to Connor as I would have in the past. But he's done the SAME exact thing to me, way more than once. And then there's also the fact that I was sick yesterday. Connor made no effort to contact me in any way whatsoever. Andrew came and spent 45 minutes with me right after school before going home. So I was already slightly pissed at Connor.
Kat brought us all our Christmas presents, and I loved them and it was all good. Being that we were at pep band, I did not stay in one spot for long (I go everywhere but to actually watch the game). I was in the hallway, the basement, the music room, the other hallways. Well apparently, since Kat stayed in one place, she did not like that I was not. And she did not like that I spent time with Andrew (nothing new, always happens. We've been friends since my freshman year, his junior.). I also spent time with Sean (again, nothing new. He's my technical big brother. Not my fault he followed me to the basement with Sam!)She could have came with me, and made a point to spend time with me, but no. Instead she got mad that I was "ignoring" her. uuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhhh! To make matters worse, after she left I wouldn't tell Connor what was wrong. Since he is a major, major part of it.
He left, called my best friend, who put it on speaker so I could hear. he said some really hypocritical things about me, kinda pisses me off.
Andrew took me home, and again, he spent a good 30 minutes talking to me about all that's happened. He's a great guy, and he is totally compatible with me. He made me laugh, and we get along really well. And, were in the same boat. Confused to no end and no one to turn to but each other.
I don't know what to do, I really really don't. Were having this party for Kat tomorrow, but I have no clue how it's gonna go down. It could end up being really good, or it could end up being terrible. Either way, I'm kind of dreading it, except for the time I get to spend with Andrew beforehand.
Anyone out there who's reading this, please help me. I need it



Back to school.. Ugh. Long day. Everyone was in a bad mood today. Me and my boyfriend argued a little bit, and a bunch of my friends were super bitchy. My best friend wasnt in the greatest of moods, and her boyfriend/my honorary brother isnt in a good mood either (according to her). Ugh!!!
On the bright side, we had jazz band today :) I love jazz band. The songs are so fun to play. I'll have it again Thursday morning.
My cat is laying on my feet and I'm watching elf... I feel like I'm going to fall asleep. Goobye.


Satisfying last day of thanksgiving break:)

I got a lot done in my room today! Its ready to be steam cleaned, and were going to paint. I chose gray. And my boyfriend and my friend Sarah came over.. They just kind of showed up. It was fun though, I was really starting to miss Connor. The longest we've ever gone without seeing each other for a year and half was 6 days, when I went to Texas a few weeks ago. I hadn't seen him since Thursday... It didn't even hit me til about noon how much I missed him. He's not the greatest boyfriend in the world, but he can make me laugh like nobody else can. He makes me happy, and he brought about a lot of changes in me. Good ones, mostly. I'm lucky I have him, even if my friends and relatives think he's not right for me.


It's raining..

Cleaning my room is going well!.. Ish. It could be going better, but I'm soooo lazy... seriously. It was like 3:00 and I took a nap.. Happens on a an almost-daily basis.
Right now my parents are out getting rid of this sofa bed that was in my room FOR-EVER. We tore it all up and stuck it in the van two days ago, it looked much better there. Although I'm sure it looks even better now, in a trash can somewhere! My mom cleaned her stuff off of the TV, and hopefully I can get my dad to help me move it tomorrow. Not getting my hopes up though. We're going to steam-clean that half of my bedroom, then, and then I can start moving stuff around :) I'm excited, if you can't tell.
And then Tuesday I have to go back to school. :( grr. Our 5-day Thanksgiving break has been awesome, they should do this every year, no joke. This Friday I'm going to have my first pep band performance (I'm SUCH a band geek. I love it!), and then Saturday we have our lovely Dalton Holidays Festival. Jazz band is performing (yep, I'm in that too!), and then we get to march!!! In the parade. Haha. I play saxophone, if I never said that before...
I think my parents need to come home with my Hero House. I'm hungry...
I really wanna work on my Gold Award (Paws for Smiles, check it out), but I don't really have anything more I can do right now. I mean, I need a place to have the dog show. And I have to plan it and stuff, but I can't really do much without my project advisor... *sigh* I sent her an email yesterday, hoping to get a reply tomorrow... We need to set up a meeting.


Paws for Smiles (follow it!)

This is my new blog. It's about my Girl Scout Gold Award. I'm going to adopt a dog from my Humane Society and train him/her to be a therapy dog. In order to earn the money I need (over $500), I'm holding a dog show (and asking for LOTS of donations). Check out my blog, and my new facebook page, to find out more. Please help me out on this! Once I get the project going, I'll put pictures up of the dog show, the dog, training, people we visit, etc. It's still in the construction stages right now..


November! And... sun and 50 degrees?

Is it bad that I totally forgot about this blog? Probably. Oh well. Maybe I'll start posting more now that I've remembered it. I'm starting another blog that I'm going to HAVE to update every once in a while, so I might as well do this one too.
It's almost December and it hasn't snowed here ONCE. :) I like it... I went to Texas a few weeks ago and it had gorgeous weather... I want to move there, no joke. If not for my boyfriend, friends, and things here I'm connected too, I would totally do it.
Just so you know, my new blog is going to be about my Gold Award. I'm a Girl Scout, and the Gold Award is the highest award you can earn. It's like the Boy Scout Eagle Award, only it takes a ton more skill and time. Anyway, I'm going to adopt a dog from my county humane society and train him/her to be a therapy dog. I have to earn around $500 to set this in motion, so I'm holding a dog show. It's gonna be a lot of work and a lot of fun, but it will totally be worth it in the end. My project is called Paws for Smiles, be sure to read my blog about it! I'll post a link once it's made.


Day 1..

As promised, it's cold. But.. not sunny. There's still a giant layer of clouds covering the sky. It's about 40 degrees- 10 less than called for- and according to the moving tree branches it's windy. Not ideal conditions for walking to an ice cream house 3 miles away. So, instead, I slept in til 10:30 and have been sitting in front of the computer ever since. I was on facebook most of the time.. I am a facebook addict. (Any facebook employees out there reading this.. can we please have a dislike button? We've only been asking for it for years.) Nobody was on to talk to though.. :( My dog doesn't like the weather much either.. She's a Sheltie, and has like, 5 inches of fur, so she can't really feel the cold, but since it's been rainy and unsunny she's been coming inside and sleeping instead. I was talking to her earlier, (I really do think she understands me, she just can't talk back.) about how if it got warmer this week we could have my dad take us down to the bike path (it's only three miles away, but she's afraid of the road, and there's a highway in between, so I can't walk her down there.), which leads to the park. She loves to run, like me, so we go there in the summer and run the few miles to the park. My boyfriend lives right behind the park so I'll probably head to the park a lot more now to see him.. Missy knows his name, and as soon as I said we could go see Connor, she jumped up and ran towards the door. She loves him, it's adorable. I had to disappoint her though, it's a little cold for that. And my dad isn't home right now. She's now sleeping peacefully beside me on the floor. She's so cute!! I'd post a pic but it doesn't seem to be working.


Spring Break, 2011

Today, at 2:40 PM EST, Spring Break 2011 officially began. Yay. My family has never been the family that goes on a vacation every year, every time the kids have spring break. Nope. We stay here, and I try to entertain myself in the nothingness I live in. Therefore, a lot of my spring breaks are not the greatest. Half the time it's raining, like today. If not, it's cold, because I live in Ohio and the weather sucks. On the off-chance it IS warm, then I might have something to do. But, since it's not, I am stuck inside, doing nothing. Honestly, besides the extra sleep, I'd rather just go to school. Today it was 59 degrees at 7 AM this morning. It wasn't raining yet. By the end of the day, it was at least 10 degrees colder, if not more, and it was POURING. Thank God my boyfriend's grandmother spoils him and picked us up, instead of us having to walk back to his house soaking wet. It hasn't stopped raining yet, btw. Tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny. But 50 degrees. Cmon! Last week snow blanketed everything. Three weeks ago it was 60 and sunny, at least for one day. Can Ohio PLEASE just stick to ONE type of weather??? I had planned on walking to the Double D (Dalton Dari-Ette) a few times this week. What with the rain and the coldness... I'm thinking thats probably NOT going to happen. Anyone have any advice on what to do for the next four days?