I'm just a typical.. Ok, not that typical.. Teenager living in a small-town Ohio town called Dalton (the DAL part is pronounced the same as in Dallas. Don't say it wrong.). Let me guess.. None of you have EVER heard of it? Yep. That's how it usually goes.


Day 1..

As promised, it's cold. But.. not sunny. There's still a giant layer of clouds covering the sky. It's about 40 degrees- 10 less than called for- and according to the moving tree branches it's windy. Not ideal conditions for walking to an ice cream house 3 miles away. So, instead, I slept in til 10:30 and have been sitting in front of the computer ever since. I was on facebook most of the time.. I am a facebook addict. (Any facebook employees out there reading this.. can we please have a dislike button? We've only been asking for it for years.) Nobody was on to talk to though.. :( My dog doesn't like the weather much either.. She's a Sheltie, and has like, 5 inches of fur, so she can't really feel the cold, but since it's been rainy and unsunny she's been coming inside and sleeping instead. I was talking to her earlier, (I really do think she understands me, she just can't talk back.) about how if it got warmer this week we could have my dad take us down to the bike path (it's only three miles away, but she's afraid of the road, and there's a highway in between, so I can't walk her down there.), which leads to the park. She loves to run, like me, so we go there in the summer and run the few miles to the park. My boyfriend lives right behind the park so I'll probably head to the park a lot more now to see him.. Missy knows his name, and as soon as I said we could go see Connor, she jumped up and ran towards the door. She loves him, it's adorable. I had to disappoint her though, it's a little cold for that. And my dad isn't home right now. She's now sleeping peacefully beside me on the floor. She's so cute!! I'd post a pic but it doesn't seem to be working.

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